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Batmanís secret hideout located deep below Bruce Wayneís mansion. Batman and Robin slide down poles located in Bruce Wayneís study to quickly get into the Batcave. It comes complete with a nuclear power plant, many specialized computers and a complete Crime Investigation Lab. Batman parked the Batmobile there too. 

The Batmobile

Not only sleek and beautiful but loaded with an array of gadgets such as radar, missile launchers, parachutes, etc.

The Batboat

When Batman and Robin needed to get somewhere on water they jumped into their Batboat which was not only fast, but deadly.

The Batcycle

A truly cool piece of Bat equipment. It is a Harley Davidson with a side car that Robin rode in and could disconnect.


When Commissioner Gordon couldnít reach Batman via the Batphone, he would use a large spotlight to shine an image of the Batman logo in the night sky.