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The Joker

The clown prince of crime. The Joker is a prankster with green hair and a white face. He was always good for a prank like a shocking handshake or a squirting flower. He is a constant thorn in Batman's side.

The Riddler

A crazy super criminal who often leaves clues behind in the form of a riddle. He would start his riddles with "riddle me this." He wore a green jumpsuit with question marks printed on it.

The Penguin

A super criminal who has an affection for umbrellas. He loves to eavesdrop on conversations with hidden bugs and waddles and quacks all the while giving Batman and Robin fits. Since penguins like fish there was usually a fishy theme to his plots.

Mr. Freeze

A villain who is forced to live his life in an cold environment of fifty degrees below zero because Batman accidentally spilled a vial of instant freeze solution on him in a fight in his laboratory. His special suit maintains his cool sub-zero temperature. He has a quick freeze gun and has a soft spot for stolen diamonds (ice).


The feline queen of crime. A sexy, evil cat who has her eye on Batman. If she could ever get him to turn to crime, he would be hers forever! She sometimes had a disguise to trick others, and like all cats she has nine lives. She is also a expert car thief and like most women has an affinity for jewels.