Insure your magic collection

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David DeTenyo
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Insure your magic collection

Post by David DeTenyo » Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:55 am

My wife and I bought a new house and are moving in january next year.

I've put a value on my magic collection and as with many of you guys it is worth a considerable amount of money. We will have an insurance that covers fire and theft, but I wonder if it would be a good idea to insure my magic collection extra. Do any of you guys have an insurance that covers your Tenyo or magic collection?

And if so, in case something happens does your insurance company know what the value of these 'toys' is? Do you keep a record of your invoices for example? Or pictures? Pictures would be a good idea I believe, but I never kept the invoices, mainly due to the fact a lot of my tricks were bought at what in English is called 'yard-sales'.

I would be devestated if my collection would be lost due to theft or a fire ... . Imagine all the work that would go into finding all those gems again :cry:

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