Google [Bot]

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Google [Bot]

Post by JohnM » Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:57 am

You might have noticed that sometimes when you are logged in there is also Google [Bot] or another bot logged in as well.

When I created the forum there was a entire page of Spider Bots already set up.

They search and index the forum so it comes up in searches on Google, Yahoo, etc.

There are more than 25 bots that are registered but so far we have only been visited by:

They are good spider bots and not the bad spam bots that we don't have a problem with because of the countermeasure I installed (currently you are asked a simple Tenyo question) when registering.

The 22 members we have are all real (except for Test Dummy). The bots are not shown in that number. I believe that the number of guest in the last 24 hours are real (not bots) as well because the bots are considered registered and not guests.

When I go back and look at the old forum sometimes the total number of guest in the last 24 hours can be as high as 70. I think that may be bots. I can't imagine that that many people are viewing an abandoned forum.

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