Tenyo - No practice required, and Fortune Donut Tips

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Tenyo - No practice required, and Fortune Donut Tips

Post by BluBob » Sun Oct 11, 2015 6:13 pm

Tenyo Magic - No practice required ...
I just wondered if anyone else finds this funny?

I practice for hours with ANY Tenyo trick before presenting it. Many times, I am not satisfied after hours of practice, and come back to it to put in more hours of practice.

I.E. I JUST got around to working with Tenyo Fortune Donut.

After working with the effect for awhile, I found that to be effective, I needed to use larger strips/patch of Scotch Double-sided tape, as opposed to the smallish ones which are included with the trick. I also found it imperative to place the double-sided tape in a different position than pictured in the instructions. This was probably the single-most important element to having a successful outcome! Once I found a more effective location to place the tape, I never failed.

I tried many different ways to hold the card as the cuts were made. I struggled with the cut, and the moves, on the right side of the card. This took some work. The first ting I did was to cut the ALL THE CARDS on one Fortune Donut. Yes, the ENTIRE circle of cards!

At first, cutting so I was JUST RIGHT, and in position for everything to be just right, was messy, but by the time I got half-way around the Donut circle, I pretty much had a smooth go of it. Cutting the cards that many times built muscle memory, and confidence that I would be successful when I performed it for Mrs. BluBob. When I preformed for (hard-to-fool) Mrs. BluBob, she was astounded. She said that this was one of the best, and most amazing effects that she had ever seen.

I added some small touches along the way ...

I made a nice looking index-sized card and wrote on it. It said;
"Red is your lucky color of the day."
"Seven could be a number which could be interesting to you."
"Please keep, and place the small card somewhere on your person, as good things will happen."

(after writing on the card, I folded it in half and placed a leather band around it. This card was unwrapped, unfolded, and read at the end of the trick.)

Why did I write "Seven could be a number which could be interesting to you?

I noticed that there were TWO DIFFERENT SEVENS which were printed on the Donut, and 2 out of 12 is not bad odds! If it turned out not to be a Seven, I would say that the Seven might have been considered, but that the final choice was changed to the (whatever-the-card was) The final choice WAS the SEVEN OF SPADES. (THIS WAS IMPRESSIVE!) Mrs. BluBob DID remark that the card was Black, to which I replied "the opposite color will lead to an amazing revelation which will be clear in a few seconds." Of course this is a little double-talk which seems to make sense during the final card-reading.

Another thing I did in the beginning of the trick, was to say "please look at all the cards carefully, and choose one. You may not want to choose the obvious Queen of Hearts, but you may certainly do so i you feel that strongly about it." (This makes choosing a SEVEN 2 out of 11 - which is better odds) Besides, 7 is most often chosen when ask to pick a number between 1 and 10! At some point one, or both, of the 7's will be a consideration, so when you say that the seven was a consideration but the final choice was different, they will be amazed that you knew that.

Sorry to be so long, but I went on like this to say that when I see "NO PRACTICE REQUIRED, I chuckle a little. I don't think that there is ANY TENYO effect which does not require a ton of attention, and practice. Don't get me wrong, I understand that most Tenyo tricks may be done moments after reading the instructions, but to do justice to the Tenyo creativity, and innovation, I find it necessary to spend many hours in the rehearsal room.

In music, we call it "woodsheading."

All the best,
Last edited by BluBob on Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:08 am, edited 4 times in total.
and now, on with the show ...

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Re: Tenyo - No practice required, and Fortune Donut Tips

Post by Brett H » Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:15 pm

Ah man. I've never looked at Fortune Donut due to the 'refill' aspect of it, but I am placing more stock into it after your notes and performance with the tough to fool Mrs. Blubob (I also have a spouse that's tough to fool).

But I completely agree. ANY magic that's worth doing requires quite a bit of practice to get down to a science. Between the trick itself, mannerisms, and scripting; there's quite a bit to make any routine successful. While it's always amusing to see the 'stock performance' to how the instructions have you do things, Tenyo isn't very tough to deviate from that and make incredible routines. It all requires a bit of time and elbow grease.
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Re: Tenyo - No practice required, and Fortune Donut Tips

Post by BluBob » Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:57 pm

Hi Brett,
I too, looked at having to have *REFILLS* for a trick stop me from discovering this amazing trick.
Then, one day, I just went for it, and I am SO glad I did! It was "big-time" worth it in my opinion.
Fortune Donut, is an AMAZINGLY POWERFUL effect if preformed correctly.
I found 20 refills for $15.00, I think SEO currently lists 20 refills for $30.00
I recommend just getting the stock trick, take out one Donut card, and cut out ALL the small cards on the Donut circle card. Add any advice/touches which I posted, throw in any of your own discoveries, and you will be more than ready to amaze.
and now, on with the show ...

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Re: Tenyo - No practice required, and Fortune Donut Tips

Post by Rob Rand » Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:07 am

Yes this is so right. Everyone can perform a trick, but one a few can let a miracle happen...

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