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Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:31 am
by David DeTenyo
Thanks for all this very interesting extra info guys.

I don't think the camera trick is an 'app' - if it is, I will be pretty disspointed. Let's hope Richard is right, which I believe he is.

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 10:00 am
by Elliot W.
According to the description you can use a borrowed phone so I don't think there is any app.

Here's Future Puzzle:

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 10:54 am
by Brett H
I'm 99% co didn't in this call. Ghost Camera is a force and some false shuffling, and maybe a bottom deal. The selection is imprinted on the cloth. In the video, he covers up the deck with it vertical. And the 'card' is nearly horizontal.

It's a bit relieving that you can use whatever deck you want, but I was convinced that this would be the only Tenyo that didn't implement a force.

2016 is the year of the prediction. I'm surprised that Tenyo went with ALL prediction methods this year

And holy hell, I'm stumped by Future Puzzle. I was convinced that you could assemble it different ways. Not so convinced any more.
Okay, I think you have 4 of the 6 pieces in the box. Audience makes a selection of which of the 4 cards they select. And the other 2 pieces are hidden in one of the sides, which is why I think he holds the box upside down awkwardly as the compartments 'dump' when held a certain way.

Now if more than 4 selections can be made, I'm going to throw my table

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 11:12 am
by Elliot W.
And last but not least:

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 11:25 am
by David DeTenyo
Thanks Elliot!

First impressions of the two latest videos:
- Future Puzzle, not so impressed anymore ... . If the box can be handed out or at least shown on all sides (especially INside!) it will be better than I think perhaps.
- Dog trick: I'm in love! Sure, huge box compared to the tiny dogs, but it smells like Tenyo gimmicky thingy wingys, which is always fun :)

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 11:43 am
by Brett H
Elliot is the man! Thanks for the videos!

I'm on board with everything except Future Puzzle. There's no way I can use a giant clunky cardboard box and puzzle pieces.

Dog House has similarities to Magic Butterfly, but it's easier to see in a close up show/routine because of the 3D nature of the dogs, I think. And the fact that tunic is BIGGER than 'Butterfly, awesome. I'm totally adding this in my 'handkerchief show' as it looks like oh could easily throw in a handkerchief for effect and there you go.

Ghost Camera. I'm buying a blazer and keeping 'Camera there for an 'after-effect' for adults.

Tiny Plunger. I'm wondering if you can combine this with Ghost Lamp to make the selection for a neat routine.

But I think I'm going to start the Tenyo purchases with Dog House and Ghost Camera

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:02 pm
by Brett H
According to Kaufman on Magiccafe, Tiny Plunger is WAY different than its existing counterpart. It doesn't use a breather crimp and it doesn't use a gimmicked plunger.

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:14 pm
by Elliot W.
Never had the original plunger so Ican't really comment on the differences but the performance looked the same to me.
Doghouse does look like fun. I basically know what is happening but I am very interested in seeing the gadgetry behind it.
I am not sure how Future Puzzle works but I must admit the handling looks kind if awkward at least in this video. Especially when looking at the back of the box. I think I'd like to see some other videos of this one.

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:29 pm
by Brett H
Elliot W. wrote:Never had the original plunger so Ican't really comment on the differences but the performance looked the same to me.
Doghouse does look like fun. I basically know what is happening but I am very interested in seeing the gadgetry behind it.
I am not sure how Future Puzzle works but I must admit the handling looks kind if awkward at least in this video. Especially when looking at the back of the box. I think I'd like to see some other videos of this one.
The original plunger required he use of a very clean surface, like a close-up pad.

Kaufman also reported that Tiny Oluner WILL be the best seller in Japan, which indictates to me that Tenyo must have found a way to be used on more versatile surfaces and more of an impromptu trick.

If they did this, I won't even bother with getting the original

But the only thing I can think of is if the bottom card is a plastic card that acts as a 'clean surface' for the other 51 to act on. As the ONLY thing I noticed that the Tenyo version COULDNT do was pick up the entire deck with the plunger

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:09 pm
by Richard W
You can do tiny plunger on any surface if you don't try to show it pick up the whole deck as the bottom card will stick to surface. Reason you must do it on clean surface is anything that sticks to the cards will make them break at the wrong position. Most of the routine can be done in your hand. Tenyo treated finish on a card working like a breather crimp will likely be how it works.

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:20 pm
by Elliot W.
That is probably what it is. I guess that would make it easier for kids to perform.

Watching the video for doghouse a couple of more times, I find I am a little less enamored by it.
It cetainly does seem like a force is being used and it is suddenly reminding me a lot of Illusion Truck.:)

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 2:25 pm
by JayGhost80
For the puzzle there is only one piece that determines the face and one that determines the suit, the rest of the puzzle never has to change whether it's Jack, Queen, or King. So perhaps the box can hold the four suits and the three face card pieces but how many possibilities your provided with is impossible to tell from the video. If not all possible, maybe you have to magicians force red or black.

Dog Box will be a sure fire Tenyo winner. Buy a few of these to pack away, it will be a classic. Don't really want to speculate on method here. I want to just be surprised. I do believe to do the main trick where a colored dog is chosen then the other three dogs change to that color is a force but it would be convincing enough plus you get the bonus tricks and one could probably come up with other routines using the box and could be customized with other types of sponges.

The phone cam hanky trick is pretty cool. If your provided with at least two possible outcomes that's golden because there are plenty of easy way's to force two cards and then let the spectator freely select one of them, then you can do the hank reveal of that card. That's powerful. My two cents for what it's worth. :-)

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 3:18 pm
by Brett H
The more I think about it, the more I like Ghost Camera. I'm not fond of the card production, but I like that there's a part of the hanky that 'points' to things. Like if you set a few cards out, it could point to the correct selection. Take the unseen cards and rewrap them; what is the card? Take another picture!

I see A LOT of potential in the 'pointer' for parlour and parties. Much like The Third Eye

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 3:25 pm
by AlexBrazil
As soon as I arrived from my trip, I rushed to the computer to watch the four videos. I am sure Tiny Plunger will amaze every adult audience (as well as older kids). I do not know the secret, so I am very amazed with the effect.

When I saw the first picture of Strange Dog House, I had mixed feelings. But the video won my interest. It is going to be really fun to present it (from small kids to adults). In the video, the red and yellow dogs are multiplied. The back of the box shows the orange being multiplied. So we get 4 dogs of each color and choose how to set the box for multiplication.

Because the box is so high and the presenter turned the box to show the multiplication, I thought I had discovered the secret. But in the second video he does not turn the box. So, I still don't know this secret either. Great!

I liked the "high tech" trick: Ghost Camera. This will make our adult audiences shout! It sure involves a force. As I can see in the box, the forced car will always be black (I don't think a red suit could be disguised in the hanky's pattern). The bonus trick with coins is also interesting. And with the image of that hand, one can invent infinite routines with various materials.

The future puzzle... yeah, that is the worst one. In the video, the cardboard pieces look very thin (which is a surprise, as Tenyo produces a lot of puzzles). And because the box looks to big for so few pieces, adult audiences will want to check the box. I don't think it is examinable though.

PS: Elliot, thanks for all the links and information. Man, for some reason, I thought the Tenyo Festival would be later this year! :lol:

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:54 pm
by AlexBrazil
I thought the image in the handkerchief would just appear in a photo shot with a Flash. However, this official Tenyo video shows the image slowly forming:

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:58 pm
by Shan
Oh my... Is it this time of the year already???
I am so excited!!! I'm for sure getting all four!
With the tenyo book coming out and the 4 new releases, October is going to be a good month!
Thanks guys for the update!!!<3

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:52 pm
by Elliot W.
AlexBrazil wrote:I thought the image in the handkerchief would just appear in a photo shot with a Flash. However, this official Tenyo video shows the image slowly forming:
I think the standard routine uses the snapshot but someone came up with a way to use the video mode and have the card fade in on an iPhone. Not exactly sure how it works (I really have to learn Japanese one of these days) but I hope that handling finds it's way into the English instructions.

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:28 am
by Brett H
Wouldn't you be able to adjust the flashlight setting in your phone and be able to view it through your phone that way?

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:28 pm
by MadisonPresents
Whoa... That video of ghost camera is WICKED. The appearance doesn't look like it is light based (although that's what I've always assumed the method is.) The way it fades from left to right seems like it would be difficult to do with a light source. Very cool stuff!!

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:32 am
by Elliot W.
JayGhost80 wrote:The phone cam hanky trick is pretty cool. If your provided with at least two possible outcomes that's golden because there are plenty of easy way's to force two cards and then let the spectator freely select one of them, then you can do the hank reveal of that card. That's powerful. My two cents for what it's worth.
Here's a video that uses the 5D as the card so it looks like you have a choice of 5D, 3C and the hand. Based on one of the other videos I think the fourth side is blank. I guess it's sort of the examinable side.

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:22 pm
by Elliot W.
This looks like the official Tenyo promo video.
This does not make me feel better about the handling for Future Puzzle...

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:47 pm
by Richard W
I see the plunger trick is being done on a felt top table just like Tiny Plunger.

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:10 pm
by Rob Rand
Yes thanks a lot for all this information!

My preference goes to Dog House definitely.
I will skip the other three this time. Tiny Plunger because I already have it, Puzzle Trick and Handkerchief not my style.

So at the end I will only purchase Dog House.

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:29 pm
by VictorS
Brett H wrote:It doesn't use a breather crimp and it doesn't use a gimmicked plunger.
That sounds interesting. Maybe Tenyo came up already with other ingenious idea of the card gimmick. This reminds me to the book Paramiracles by Ted Lesley. The similar card gaff which have similar function to the Breather : The Split Card, Will De Serve Gimmick, The Jontay Gimmick and The Koorwinder Gimmick.
Actually breather is the most flexible and effective one in my opinion and it will take only seconds to prepare it on your own or borrowed deck.

Re: Two confirmed hints towards the 2016 releases

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:43 pm
by VictorS
JayGhost80 wrote:For the puzzle there is only one piece that determines the face and one that determines the suit, the rest of the puzzle never has to change whether it's Jack, Queen, or King. So perhaps the box can hold the four suits and the three face card pieces but how many possibilities your provided with is impossible to tell from the video. If not all possible, maybe you have to magicians force red or black.
Nice analysis Jay ;)