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A note from Lubor Fiedler I found

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:57 am
by kellebotond
Hi guys,

During arranging old papers at the magic shop I work at I found an interesting piece of paper.

The paper is a flyer advertising a magic show witch took place in Prague in the early 70's and the founder of the magic shop (Figaro) was performing at this gala show. On the back side there is a had written note (probably written by Lubor Fiedler).

My guess is that Mr. Fiedler was giving his home address to Mr. Figaro so he can stop by at his next trip to Czechoslovakia. (Probably it is an old address but as far as I know he still lives in Brno in the Czech Republic)

Just thought that would might be interesting to you.

Magic dealers fro Hungary who visit Czech magic conventions tell me that Mr. Fielder attends all major magic conventions in the country and they chat with him regularly (and he sometimes shows them tricks and ideas he is working at).