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Flash Harry David De Val

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:43 pm
by Pete1805
David De-Val's pocket trick with Houdini cards and a padlock,this was produced by the David De Val magic company in 1998 and sold by Supreme

It’s a close up effect where the performer displays three cards about the size of normal playing cards. Two depict a very solid locked jail cell, the other a full colour photograph of Houdini himself, stripped, shackled and chained ready to perform one of his world famous jail cell escapes before your very eyes.
Each card has a punched hole at the bottom where a padlock is inserted to secure the three cards. Then suddenly the Houdini card mysteriously escapes the padlock but how!!!

Re: Flash Harry David De Val

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:07 pm
by guyjr
Hmm... very puzzling and mysterious indeed!

One of my favorite Tenyo tricks is Bolted. The effect is that you have a playing card with a hole in the middle which you place between two very nice and smooth green colored plastic panels (also with a hole in each). You then put a bolt and nut to secure all three together, insuring the card is perpendicular to the two rectangular panels (so it is visible as you bolt). Then... mysteriously and visibly, the card manages to escape from the middle and slide out.

I think I saw something similar not too long ago that might be better crafted than the Tenyo effect, but can't for the life of me remember where I saw it now. This Houdini take on these types of effects looks very nice - I take it Houdini is sandwiched between the two jail cell cards, all three secured with padlock, and then somehow Houdini manages to escape from the middle? Is there any concealment after the cards are "shackled" together?

Re: Flash Harry David De Val

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:14 pm
by David DeTenyo
I have a similar trick but with gimmicked cards. Some cards with holes in them are ligned up, a ribbon is thread through and one cards escapes. Looks fantastic and the principle is very ingenious (but probably very old and known by many of you guys). I'll make a picture of it this weekend.

Re: Flash Harry David De Val

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:17 pm
by Pete1805
Thanks i have Bolted but does take a bit of practice as does Flash Harry,two principals are involved :D

Re: Flash Harry David De Val

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:19 pm
by Pete1805
I think its the same idea david :D

Re: Flash Harry David De Val

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:25 pm
by David DeTenyo
As do I :)

EDIT - Ok, the photo will be for next weekend ... sorry :oops: