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Ideas for Tenyo contest

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:15 am
by David DeTenyo
I have two suggestions for a 'serious' competition with a 'prize' ... not sure what it will be yet ;)

•Make a Tenyo more professional, add something personal, make it better. You can use an excisting Tenyo prop.
John Mazza already did this in the past with his 'add-ons':
- an improved version of Soft Coins with metal miniature swords and special bills;
- Houdini Handcuff Escape - an add on for Black Hole with miniature handcuffs and special cards;
- Surprise Camera, another add on for - Tenyo's Black Hole;
- Sherlock Holmes Clock - a wonderfull routine using Tenyo's Future Clock and Mindscanner;
- Mobile Illusion and Mini-Zag with new cards;
- Protect the Grail — a special presentation using Tenyo's Credit Slasher;

Other examples are
- Infinitum - the box has layers of thin wood on the outside and the inner compartment has been covered with black velvet:


- Zig-Zag Pencil, the outside has been covered with thin wood:

- Future Clock, the outside of the cover has a layer of wooden-like plastic on it, the clock itself is painted in gold:

•Recreate a Tenyo trick but make it look really professional. Make it from scratch. Make it out of wood, metal, plastic, cardboard, ... . Make it so it basically would be possible to sell it. The best example there is, is Jenzo's recreation of Fortune Sticks in wood.


More ideas and suggestions welcome!