David DG aka Killertweety

After being approved to join this forum your first post should be a short profile about you and your Tenyo
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David DeTenyo
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David DG aka Killertweety

Post by David DeTenyo » Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:53 am

(this is a copy from the previous forum)

Hello everyone!

My name is David and I am a 36 year old science teacher in Belgium, Europe (which also means English is not my mother tongue so forgive my spelling and grammatical mistakes ::)).

Magic has always fascinated me and I have been 'really' collecting (easy-to-do) magic tricks for about 13 years now, after a visit with my school to Hamley's in London where there was (and still is) a magician every day performing Marvin's Magic tricks. I immediately bought all the sets the shop had, not realizing they all were seriously overprised! ;)
I still remember performing Dynamic Coins for my students which was a big failure ... I have to PRACTICE a trick before performing it, even if it was easy to do! Lesson learned (sort of, even now when I buy a great magic trick I still have the urge to show it to people too fast ... big mistake 8-))

The first magic set I bought (at the age of 12 - 13 I believe) was from a company called JUMBO (after a performance of Paul Daniels magic show). I still have the somewhat 'worn' instruction booklet and some of the plastic and wooden items.


After I saved my weekly allowances for a few weeks I always visited a 'novelty'/'joke' shop in my hometown Mechelen (Belgium) that had some magic effects (very bad quality, no idea who manufactured it). I remember buying the Spiked Coin trick and a Finger Guillotine which I thought was great but unfortunately it broke often. So I went to buy another one, wrapped it with tape (hoping I really could put a cigarette or piece of carrot or selery into the lower hole - those of you who own the trick know what I mean) but unfortunately it still broke :( I tried it with a piece of cardboard in the lower hole but it would still brake. I almost gave up untill I tried a string of wool which worked. BEHOLD! The magic finger chopper that can pass through your finger but damages wool!!! Oh boy ... ::)

Yes, I did find better finger choppers eventually, the Impossible Penetration being my favourite because it works in a very different way than other finger choppers. By the way, one of the best (and I mean quality compared to price) choppers is this one (I absolutely LOVE the easy way you can post images etc on this forum !!!):


I wouldn't try to cut a carrot with it (unless it is cooked) but it works great and can handle VERY close examination by your spectators!

I could go on for a long time telling my 'magic history' but I'll probably come to that later or write an article about it on my website.

My interest in Tenyo specifically started after I watched a performance of Roberto B. (who is also a member here) on Youtube. As if it were yesterday I still remember browsing for 'magic tricks and apparatus' and, perhaps by accident, I clicked on this link. I loved it and wanted to order it from my local magic shop, which of course was impossible ;) I watched other videos by Roberto (for example Ninja Experiment, Ultra Tube and Billscape which all fooled me BADLY!) and I began to realize in most of his video's he used magic tricks produced by a company named Tenyo.
Without realizing I had a few Tenyo's in my collection already, for example Credit Slasher, my 'hunt' for Tenyo started. I browsed the internet (including Ebay where I found a used Floating Lady for 50 USD ... those were the days ;) ), phoned and visited magic shops, contacted magicians, ... and I was able to get a decent collection.

I also joined TheMagicCafe which was a great place to share thoughts and exchange tricks in those days. One of my first posts you can find here :) By the way from Ron Allesi (mentioned in that thread) I was able to buy a (used) Ninja Experiment for 25 USD :P

Anyway, when John Mazza told me about a new Tenyo forum not that long ago, to be honest, I had some doubts ... . Was this really necessary, a new Tenyo forum? However, after the banning of a few members and deleting of posts/threads without any good reason I thought it was time to move on. I still like browsing Themagiccafe and will continue to post here and there but for Tenyo this will be the place to be.

A lot has been said and (false) accusations were made in the past, Tenyo needed a new start and I am confident this will be it. A forum where people can freely link to Ebay and other websites, freely share thoughts without getting banned and where the atmosphere is good, a place where everyone is welcome. And by the way, a forum that also is 'up-to-date' and therefore A LOT easier to use then the really out-dated TMC-interface in my humble opinion.

Thanks to John and everyone else that joined and will join for making this possible :) I will enjoy sharing my stories, routines, tricks, ... with you all.

Addendum: The name Killertweety was my nickname when I used to play a first person shooter game called Half-Life and Team Fortress Classic online. I needed a nickname, saw a Teweetybird and added 'Killer' to it to impress my opponents in the shooter game ;) And Killertweety was born!


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Re: David DG aka Killertweety

Post by JohnM » Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:40 am

Welcome David.

For finger choppers I usually use a pretzel stick or a pretzel rod for the demonstration.

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Re: David DG aka Killertweety

Post by Greg C » Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:04 pm

Pretzels! This is a great idea.

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Re: David DG aka Killertweety

Post by Jaime C. » Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:42 pm

By the way from Ron Allesi (mentioned in that thread) I was able to buy a (used) Ninja Experiment for 25 USD :P ( from killertweety )

Ron Allesi Auction, i found it is a bit cheaper than on eBAY but only not much of Tenyo items.
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Re: David DG aka Killertweety

Post by David DeTenyo » Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:41 am

Indeed, unfortunately he now puts every Tenyo on auction, where he used to sell them directly for cheap prices.
Still an auction site to check regularly :)

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